Welcome to

www.BillHulsizer.com !!!




I spent three years as a Certified Information Systems Auditor doing Sarbanes-Oxley auditing. Everyone in IT has their own opinion of SOX, so here is mine: Every single thing required by SOX was already required by some other regulation or law. As I audited companies, I kept notes and put together what I think is the most concise list of SOX control objectives and activities I've seen. If you agree or disagree, I'd like to hear why.

SOX Control Objectives

SOX Control Activities


 Here are some of my favorite auditing stories:

The $1.4 million dollar DBA

How not to audit in Saudi Arabia

It all ends at the loading dock




Some of my more recent thoughts:


Save billions per year in highway costs?

Here is my way...


Motivate kids to do better in school?

Here is my way...


 End the violence in the Mideast?

Here is my way...


 Health Insurance?

Here is my way...


 Thoughts of your own?

Email Bill