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How not to audit in Saudi Arabia

An auditor I worked with told me about this adventure in Saudi Arabia.  He was with a more experienced auditor.  They had been drinking a bit when the older auditor said, "Let's go see if we can break in".  He was serious.  In Saudi Arabia, security people carry ouzis.  And they know how to use them...

They went back to work and drove around in the parking garage around the building. They actually found a door unlocked, so they went inside and wandered around trying to find the computer room. When they found it, the door was propped open and a computer operator had another outside door propped open while he smoked a cigarette. They got a picture and left without being seen. The next day, they turned in their "findings".

That night the computer operator disappeared. Two weeks later, he was found floating in a river. He had been tortured and burned with cigarettes all over his body.




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 Health Insurance?

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 Thoughts of your own?

Email Bill