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Monthly database extract at a large health company


A client had a monthly database extract that was running for 16 hours total.  It ran in parallel, but one ran 3 hours, one 4 hours and the other for 9 hours.  Many people looked into it and could find nothing to help.  I looked into the top SQL statements.  Their cpu times were excellent with no room for significant improvement.  However, they were accessing the index and data.  They were not index-only.  I recommended adding all the columns the SQL needed to the indexes, to make them index-only.  The cpu time went up by 1-2% and disk space increased accordingly, but the elapsed time was cut in half to 8 hours.  The client was very happy.

Story over?  Not quite...  What could possibly make an extract run for 8 hours on a mainframe?  Accessing the database wrong...

This database (multiple tables) is in sequence by company.  They have 100 or so companies involved and many clients for each company.  Each client has a primary salesperson.  However, the extract does not run by company.  The extract runs by salesperson.  They have 2,000+ salespeople.  This means the entire database is being processed using "skip-sequential" access for each salesperson.  They are literally walking thru the entire database 2,000+ times.  If the extract was done by company, they would walk thru the database once.  This client is currently very happy their 16 hours were cut to 8 hours, but is considering changing their extract.  Hopefully I'll be able to add "the rest of the story" someday.  I expect this to run in 10 minutes or less if they change their extract to work by company, the way the database is designed.




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